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MAKE UP YOUR MIND – essential everyday phrase

MAKE UP YOUR MIND – essential everyday phrase

Hi everyone! Today, we are going to look at the phrase the phrase ‘Make up your mind’, a versatile expression that pops up in countless conversations. In this mini lesson we will break down the meaning, and master its usage with some example sentences. Let’s get started!

make up your mind = make a decision

We use this phrase when we make a decision. 


Grammatically, you can use any pronoun: 

make up my/your/his/her/our/their mind



In a restaurant:
Amy: Have you decided what you are going to order?
Charlie: Not yet. I can’t make up my mind. I’m not sure if I want the fish or the chicken. 
(Charlie cannot make a decision.)


I haven’t made up my mind if I want to be a witch or a ghost for Halloween. 
(I haven’t made a decision yet.) 


make up your mind


Valeria: Do you know if you are going to stay in London? Or do you want to return home soon?
Belen: To be honest I don’t know. I haven’t made up my mind yet. 
(I haven’t made a decision yet.) 


Come on honey, make up your mind! Do you want to go out or stay home tonight? 
(Make a decision!)


Melissa: Is James really going to quit university?
Jessica: Yes, I’m really not too happy about it.
Melissa: Well, is there anything you can say to make him stay?
Jessica: I’m afraid not. He’s made up his mind.
(James made the decision not to stay in university.) 


make up your mind

Thank you so much for reading today’s blog. I hope that you now feel more comfortable and confident in using this phrase in your everyday conversations. Do you have any of your own example’s of how to use this phrase? If so, please leave me a comment below, I love hearing from you! Remember to keep practicing your English, and I’ll see you next time!

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Don’t forget to check out my YouTube channelInstagram, Facebook and other blogsSee you next time! Arnel 🙂

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