Hi everyone! Recently, I’ve had a few students ask me about the differences between an exam, a test, and a quiz. So, I thought I’d put together this mini lesson to help them out and share it with you as well.
exam = /ɪɡˈzæm/
You can see that the “ex” is pronounced “ig.” Say it like this: IG | ZAM
(Remember, the word “exam” is short for “examination.”)
test = /test/
You can see that this word is pronounced exactly how it is spelled.
quiz = /kwɪz/
“Qu” in English is pronounced “kw.” Say it like this: KWIZ
Say this mini tongue twister to practice the “kw” sound:
The Queen took a quick quiz.
What’s the difference?
Exams are the most important and most formal type of academic assessment. Typically, depending on the school, a student may have 2 – 3 exams per year. Furthermore, an exam can consist of one topic or a variety of topics, demonstrating its comprehensive nature. Additionally, an exam’s duration can vary significantly, lasting from a few hours to even days.
- Next month, we have our university entrance exams. All the students are getting really nervous. I feel like my entire future depends on the score I get on these exams.
- In order for me to get a visa to Canada, I need to take the IELTS exam.
Notably, tests are usually considered less formal and less important than exams, and they are often shorter in duration.
- I have a history test in two days. My teacher says I need to score at least 80% if I want to get a B+ in history this semester.
- We have a spelling test once a week. My mom makes me write each word three times per day to practice.
*The word “exam” usually carries more importance. However, these two words may also be used interchangeably. A school’s / university’s entrance exam can sometimes be called an “admissions test.”
In contrast, quizzes are short, informal assessments which can often be fun.
- To engage readers further, the magazine included a fun pop culture quiz for readers to test their knowledge of current events.
- To conclude his lesson, the science teacher designed a quiz to assess the students’ knowledge of the solar system.
A “pop quiz” is a term used to describe a quiz given to students without any warning. A teacher might decide to have a pop quiz in the middle of the day.
- We were all unprepared for a math pop quiz. As a result, without being able to study, I only managed to get three questions correct out of 10.
- Teacher: Good morning my lovely students. Let’s get the day started with a pop quiz on the unit we were studying yesterday.
Students: Oh man!
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The words “exam,” “test,” and “quiz” can also be used outside of academia.
- I passed my driving test the second time.
- The doctor said I needed a few blood tests. He’s is concerned about my iron levels.
- The doctor completed a full-body examination on the elderly patient.
- I took an online personality test / quiz and apparently my spirit animal is a badger.
- My local pub hosts a pub quiz twice a month.
Answer these questions to help you practice these words.
- When was the last time you had an exam? What was it for? How long did the exam last?
- How often would you have tests when you were in school? If you are still a student, think about how often you have tests.
- Have you ever taken a fun online quiz such as a personality quiz, or something like a quiz to tell you which Harry Potter character you are most like?
Thank you so much for reading!
Don’t forget to check out my YouTube channel, Instagram, Facebook and other blogs. See you next time! Arnel