ADVANCED “BE” grammar: BE + to infinitive | BE + to BE + past participle | BE + perfect infinitive + TEST!
ADVANCED “BE” grammar: BE + to infinitive | BE + to BE + past participle | BE + perfect infinitive + TEST! When do we use these structures? be…
INVERSION: Advanced English Grammar | adverbials and conditionals + TEST!
INVERSION: Advanced English Grammar | adverbials and conditionals + TEST! Hi everyone! Today we're looking at inversion, an advanced English grammar topic. In this blog we break down the topic…
Future Simple and Future Continuous | English Tenses | with video lesson!
In today's lesson, let's learn about AND compare the future simple and future continuous. You can watch my video lesson or keep scrolling down to read. If you'd like explanations,…
10 ADVANCED ENGLISH VERBS – with video lesson
10 ADVANCED ENGLISH VERBS - with video lesson Hi everyone! Today I have for you 10 advanced English verbs you can add to your writing and conversations. These wonderful verbs…
10 Important English Idioms you can use every day! – with video lesson
10 Important English Idioms you can use every day! - with video lesson Hi everyone! I've lately been receiving some questions about English idioms from some of my followers. So…
How do I use the word ‘LITERALLY’? | essential everyday phrase
How do I use the word 'LITERALLY'? | essential everyday phrase 'Literally' is such an interesting word. It has meanings which are often opposites! Let's take a look... #1 (adverb):…
7 ways to pronounce ‘- OUGH’ in English! (with video)
7 ways to pronounce -OUGH in English Today blog is all about getting specific with pronunciation. So many times in English, the spelling does not match the pronunciation, and O-U-G-H…
American and British English Vocabulary Differences (with images!)
American and British English Vocabulary Differences There are so many wonderful differences between British and American English vocabulary. It's important to learn both because you will hear these two types…
68 HOMOPHONES every English student needs to know!
HOMOPHONES Hi everyone! Today we are going to look at 68 different homophones. But what is a homophone? A homophone is a pair of words (or more) which have the…