Exam? | Test? | Quiz? – What’s the difference?
Hi everyone! Recently, I've had a few students ask me about the differences between an exam, a test, and a quiz. So, I thought I'd put together this mini lesson…
To, Toward, and Towards. Do You Know the Difference?
Hi Everyone! Welcome to today's blog. “To,” “toward,” and “towards” are three very similar words. How are they different? How can you use them? In this lesson, I’m going to…

EAT OUT or EAT OUTSIDE? There is a difference!
https://youtube.com/shorts/o7c1T2oTpIc?feature=share EAT OUT Eat out is a great phrasal verb. It means going to a restaurant to have a meal (I love going out to eat!). When we eat out,…

direct and indirect objects | levels A2 – C1
In today’s lesson, let’s look at how to find direct and indirect objects in a sentence. You can watch my video on YouTube or keep scrolling to read more. https://youtu.be/LK-D8uQ1pbo…

In vs. Into vs. In to vs. On vs. Onto vs. On to – What’s the difference?
In vs. Into vs. In to vs. On vs. Onto vs. On to You can watch my YouTube lesson OR keep scrolling to read more. https://youtu.be/oNQsh4G5qp8 IN and ON =…

ALL PERSONAL PRONOUNS: I, me, my, mine, myself….| subject pronouns | object pronouns | possessive adjectives | possessive pronouns | reflexive pronouns + VIDEO!
ALL PERSONAL PRONOUNS: I, me, my, mine, myself....| subject pronouns | object pronouns | possessive adjectives | possessive pronouns | reflexive pronouns + VIDEO! https://youtu.be/kmI_2wCewpU ALL PERSONAL PRONOUNS You can…
My friend? OR A friend of mine? | English grammar
Hi everyone! Today is a quick English grammar blog for you. I decided to put this together this mini lesson after receiving a few questions from my students who were…
I have vs. I have got vs. I got vs. I gotta | English grammar lesson – with VIDEO!
I have vs. I have got vs. I got vs. I gotta | English grammar lesson - with VIDEO! Hi everyone! Todays blog post is an English grammar lesson focusing…
SOME and ANY | the complete grammar guide with TEST and VIDEO!
SOME and ANY | the complete grammar guide with TEST and VIDEO! Hi everyone! In today's blog we are going to be looking at SOME and ANY. This grammar guide…