10 Things you need to know about CLEFT SENTENCES
Hi everyone! Lately I’ve been getting some questions from my students asking me about cleft sentences. So I decided to make a short blog post on this topic (I also made a YouTube video about cleft sentences too, yay!). So, let’s continue reading and look at the 10 things you need to know about cleft sentences. For a full length video lesson you can watch my YouTube lesson here. Alternatively, you can go to my other blog post on this topic for some extra learning.
CLEFT Sentences blog post
1. Cleft sentences are used to correct someone
2. Cleft sentences are divided into “new and “old/known” information
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3. Cleft sentences emphasize information
4. “It” cleft sentences are very common
5. “wh-” cleft sentences are also very common.
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6. “wh-” clauses are considered singular and need a singular “be”.
7. “wh-” cleft clauses are often used as video titles.
8. All cleft sentences are very common.
9. All cleft sentences are very common in songs.
10. You can use a “what” cleft sentence to emphasize an action.
Thank you very much for reading! I hope you found this blog on cleft sentences helpful and have learnt something new today. If you’re feeling confident, leave me some example sentences in the comment section below. I would live to hear from you.